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Apex Scientific Brings Together World Leader Practitioners and Scientists

Team Members

Dr Lewis Haydon

Dr Lewis Haydon

Head of Research and Human Development at Apex Scientific Ltd, Organisational Psychologist DBA

Lewis Haydon is an experienced serial entrepreneur, business owner with demonstrated history as an international business coach. Lewis has proven business results across multiple industries in the areas of marketing strategy, sales psychology, leadership, profitability, and exit (or further investment) strategies.

Dr Sandeep Bolia

Dr Sandeep Bolia

Private GP and Personal Physician

Dr. Bolia has expertise in coordinating complex multidisciplinary health assessments to establish an individual’s current health status/review pre-existing health conditions/obtain second opinions. From arranging blood/laboratory analysis, providing access to the latest scanning technology, to leveraging Dr. Bolia’s close links with London’s leading hospital specialists – any aspect of health can be reviewed in detail.

Dr Imran Khan

Dr Imran Khan

Fellow Royal Society of Public Health (FRSPH),
Senior Associate Royal Society of Medicine, PhD

Dr Imran Khan is the founder and owner of TransformNow.

TransformNow launched in 2013; however, the journey started much earlier with a clear vision and commitment to improving the health and fitness of our clients. As with all journey’s, we have...

Dr Hana Abu-Hasan

Dr Hana Abu-Hasan

Bsc (Hons) MBBS
Private GP and Personal Physician

Dr. Hana Abu-Hassan is a family physician based in London at Imperial College NHS Trust. She also runs her private GP practice in South Kensington, London. In 2020, Dr. Abu-Hassan was voted as one of 365 inspirational women in...

Stuart Walter

Stuart Walter

Clinical Hypnotherapist to High Performance Athletes and CEOs. Australia's Award Winning Mindset Expert

My Mission is to ‘To become the World’s #1 for Sport and Peak Performance Hypnosis. I create, distribute and support a collection of professional programs, services, presentations plus a collection of products and online programs that change the way you think, believe, behave and communicate in a way that empowers others.

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